We’ve Moved!

The Friends of Writers Blog is Now Located at:  http://friendsofwriters.org

Please update your bookmarks accordingly.  Your subscriptions to the blog should be forwarded to the new address within the next week.  If not, please enter a new subscription on any page of the new site.

We’ve also (finally!) linked the blog directly to Warren Wilson MFA Alumni Page on Facebook, so all posts should appear on that page, as well.

If you are not already in the habit, send Friends of Writers your publication news.  If your story or poem is linked on line, we include the text and a link. If your publisher allows it, we’ll actually post the link the same morning it is released on line: We’d even be happy to go up a day or two early!   If your piece is not online, we will include the news in our periodic digest of program news, where we also list as many alum and faculty new books as we get word of.

Photographers, we’re also interested in adding MFA program-related photo galleries.

Friends of Writers also posts alumni and faculty interviews, craft articles and announcements of prizes and awards.   If you would like to propose some original, exclusive content, send us a note through the CONTACT link on http://friendsofwriters.org